Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Can't commit to a career

Last night when I was leaving work I ran into a friend who had told me that he was in school now and had applied for the Fire Academy. Now I am super happy for him or anyone for that matter who pursues their goals. But why is it that every time that someone tells me about how they are venturing onto this new path or career I feel envious. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy with my decision and will see it through but why do I always have this feeling like maybe that's the right path for me not this one. Does anyone else feel this way? I made a pack to myself when I started at City College that I would finish at City College but I feel some trepidation about not following a perspective career that might fit me better. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Interior decorating

So as of late I have had a creative bug because I just seem to want to decorate like crazy. Its good because it will make my apartment look nice but its not good on my piggy bank. I have been trying to save up money not for anything in particular but just to save. The other day one of my friends sent me a picture of a street bike. It was a GSXR for any riders in the blog but he told me it was $5000. Now for some back story last year I sold my 2007 Honda CBR 600RR for $6000. Why did I sell it you may ask? Well at the time I was not riding it and I bought it brand new in 2007 so I felt that if I didn't use it then I didn't need it. That was until it was gone and I paid off some bills then I missed it. What is it with that whole not appreciating things until they are gone. Anyways so needless to say I told my friend that I was not interested because even though I may want the bike I don't need the bike. This is how I feel today maybe I will feel differently in like a week. Lol.

Excited for next week

So I am very excited for next week and no its not because it is the last class of the term. Next week I will be going to Puerto Rico next week for a vacation. I have been there before about two years ago but this time I am going with my boyfriend and we will be staying with his family so I feel like I will have a lot more fun this time. Last time I was there it was during the rainy season. I think the weather will be good this time but I will keep my fingers crossed. Now the only dilemma I have to deal with before I leave is where I can put my dog. I tried to unload her with a few family members and friends but no one took the bait. Now I will have to put her in a doggy hotel which I have never done before. I do not want to stress her out but I don't have any other option. Its only for 5 days so I think, or at least I hope she will be alright while I am gone.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reality TV

OK so some people have strong opinions about people who watch reality tv, but I for one love reality tv. Now I don't mean all reality tv just mostly the housewives and girl intensive drama type shows. I know some people might think that I am mindless and lack a certain intellect to watch them, but I strongly disagree. I am also an avid documentary watcher as well. I just feel that sometimes you need some mindless nonsense like that to watch to forget about some of the horrible things that go on in the world. People watch sitcoms for entertainment and I do the same with reality tv. I find real lives more interesting than ones made up by a board of writers. And to be quite honest between the documentaries I watch and the reality tv I think that I learn a lot about people and the society we live in today.

Just life

So finally everything seems to be settling as far as work. I am back to my new schedule and I have my days off so that I can finally focus on school. A little late for it now but I will do my best. I am content with the new position but I will still continue to pursue other ventures. I feel like it is never good to become complacent or to settle for less. In addition I am still doing well with my diet and exercise. The new schedule very conducive to my fitness routine. I like to not rest for more than two days and this new schedule allows me to do that. I work on Mondays, Tuesdays, Friday, and Saturday so I work no more than two days before I have a day off. I used to have this schedule at my current job before but they changed it about two years ago, but I am very happy to have it back now. Some other exciting news is that I will be going to Puerto Rico the third week of March. I am going with my boyfriend to see his family. I have been before about two years ago and enjoyed my time there but did not get to see a lot of the island. However this time I will be sight seeing all of the things that I did not to see last time, like the Fort. I have been doing a mental count down for a couple of months now and I have been doing a calorie count down in conjunction. Needless to say I am very excited about it and I think after the last year with work and school that it is a well deserved vacation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 6 In a good place

So I can say that I am pleasantly surprised with my new position. It is pretty intense talking to people about their loved ones passing but it is not as bad as I thought it would be. The up side to it all is that I am so busy that time flies by. I am not used to that being the case. Normally in my old position I would be staring at the clock bored out of my mind. The downside to that is I cannot watch any netflix at work (whop, whop, whop). I think that I will remain in this role for some time. At least the required 6 months to be able to apply for the position that I was really gunning for. For the time being I am happy with the decisions I made and the place that I am in right now.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Started my new position.

I have had quite a hectic week. For starters last week I was sick and starting a new position with a whole different schedule. Now if that wasn't enough then I came down with the flu at the same time. On top of that my brother in law ended up in the hospital because his heart stopped for 8 seconds. SO I had to high tail it to South Seminole hospital to be there for him and my sister. This week seems to be settling down. However in my new position we started taking phone calls. Now I work for Chase Bank and I have been in their collections division for 4 years. The new position is in the estates department which handles all deceased notifications. Most people would think I am crazy to want to talk to grieving family members all day, but interestingly enough they are not that sad when they call in. Which me personally I find kind of strange, but to each his own.
                 Yesterday was the first day we started taking calls. It began with me not having any idea what I was doing and then I had another person sitting with me listening to what I was doing. Needless to say they said that I sounded disinterested in the phone calls I was taking. I on the other hand disagreed and said that its not that I was disinterested I was lost and confused. At the end of the day I had a better understanding of what I was doing. I realized that it will take time for me to get good at my new position the same way that it took me time to get used to my old one.
                  Sometimes I find it very interesting how different people respond to different situations. I've gone through many trainings in my life whether it be work or school or the Army. Each time the person that you think will be the most confident fails and the one that you think will leave is the one that ends up being the best of the best. In this training history did repeat itself. The person that in our book work training thought they knew everything and yesterday was the first one to panic and almost cry ready to quit. I actually found a quote for her to try and make her feel better. The quote was "A Smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." She came back today more confident and said that what I quoted made her feel better.